Breast Revision

Breast revision plastic surgery is a specialized procedure aimed at correcting or improving the results of a previous breast augmentation, reduction, or reconstruction surgery.

Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision is a secondary procedure that is performed to improve upon the results of previous surgery, correct complications that may have occurred for a previous surgery, or for those who have a desire to either go up or down in breast size.

During your consultation at Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS), you will discuss what your surgical goals are with one of our board certified plastic surgeons and (need help finishing this) come up with a plan to achieve your goals.

There are many reasons for patients to want revision breast surgery include:

  • Implant Exchange (implant removal and replacement)
  • Implant Removal (with or without a breast lift)
  • Capsular Contracture
  • Implant Placement Problems
  • Symmastia (a.k.a. ‘uniboob,’ ‘breadloafing,’ ‘kissing implants’)
  • Breast implant displacement (a.k.a. “bottoming out”)
  • High-riding implants
  • “Double bubble” deformity
  • Implant deflation or rupture
  • Modifying the type of implant (switching from saline to silicone or vice versa)
  • Correcting unwelcome cosmetic changes to the breasts from pregnancy or the natural process of aging.